Sunday, February 22, 2009

and the oscar goes to...

I'm pretty sure the Oscars should have been canceled... The Dark Knight has won like every award so far anyways. Okay, well not really, Slumdog Millionaire and Benjamin Button have won a good amount of awards so far. I hope Slumdog wins movie of the year.. but we all know that won't happen:)....

I have been a little behind in my posts this week so I have only posted about one of the poems. Although, "When You Are Old" was my favorite poem this week because I like the imagery. I picture an elderly woman by the fire who is "old and gray and full of sleep". She is sleeping and dreaming of her past when she was in love.

Well, I am about to start Mrs. Dalloway... then go back and finish last weeks posts.. then begin this weeks... :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I can't believe this class is so close to being over. I feel like a pro at online courses now even though this is the only one I have ever taken. It was very overwhelming at first that's for sure.

So this week I read Great Expectations... I really really enjoyed it. It was so different than Frankenstein.. There was so much going on and it had so so many characters. I do enjoy the Victorian Period literature.. but I think that the Romantic period is my favorite.. makes me want to watch the Dead Poet Society.

Goblin Market was my second favorite thing to read this week. I found it interesting all the meanings it could have. I wonder if it was suppose to be so sexual or if she really just wrote it that way not thinking about it.

Also.. Check out Southpark's take on Great Expectations:

Sunday, February 8, 2009


One of my favorite days during the week has to be Sunday. It is the day I can binge on showtime television.. US of Tara, Secret Diary of a Call Girl, The L World... oh and Desperate Housewives.. I never watch tv except for today.. well and to watch Lost of course.

I am about to start Great Expectations in about five minutes.. I have no idea what it is even about so this will be exciting. I really like the poems this week. My favorite this week was "Say Over Again" because I thought the symbolism for saying 'i love you' was interesting. Also, I like how almost everyone had a different interpretation.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Perfume is perhaps one of the weirdest movies ever... So this guy goes around killing woman and trying to make them into perfume.. then he gets caught and right before he is about to get hung everyone smells his perfume and has a huge orgy... riiighhhtttt?

I hate to admit this.. but this was the first time I have read Frankenstein and I have never seen any of the movies. I am a Frankenstein retard hahahaha. The book is a lot different than I thought it would be. I thought it was just about some dude that made a monster named Frankenstein that looked an awful lot like Herman Munster:)... Instead it has all these hidden themes that can be compared with current events. Someone compared Frankenstein to stem cell research on the discussion boards and I think that is an excellent example to what Shelley was trying to say.

Anyways... How did everyone do on their first paper? I am a little nervous because I haven't written an opionion paper since English 1! I can write a research paper like nobody's business though...
