Sunday, March 15, 2009

why so serious

So as you guys can see this is my blog from my literature class but it shall continue to live... Like Frankenstein but not really:)

So I am about to start playing Resident Evil 5. I will probably get no sleep because of it because I am a gamer. That's right.. I am an addict.. I have a problem! That's the first step right?

I am not sure what the second step is unless it is to turn on my 360?

Anyways, I look forward to reading everyone's post this next 8 weeks and probably longer.

Happy spring break!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The L Word

Last episode next Sunday at 8:00... I'm so pumped.

anyways, Mrs. Dalloway was really good. It is my least favorite of the other two novels though. I think many people can relate to Clarissa because she is so uncertain about some decisions has made in her life. It is sad though that it took the death a friend for her to realize that she needed to start living hers because it was the only one she has.

So I don't know how much longer I will keep writing in this when the class ends.. I did really enjoy this class and I wish I would have taken more literature classes... I wish that I could have gotten into the blog class in March:(..