Sunday, February 22, 2009

and the oscar goes to...

I'm pretty sure the Oscars should have been canceled... The Dark Knight has won like every award so far anyways. Okay, well not really, Slumdog Millionaire and Benjamin Button have won a good amount of awards so far. I hope Slumdog wins movie of the year.. but we all know that won't happen:)....

I have been a little behind in my posts this week so I have only posted about one of the poems. Although, "When You Are Old" was my favorite poem this week because I like the imagery. I picture an elderly woman by the fire who is "old and gray and full of sleep". She is sleeping and dreaming of her past when she was in love.

Well, I am about to start Mrs. Dalloway... then go back and finish last weeks posts.. then begin this weeks... :)

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