Sunday, February 1, 2009


Perfume is perhaps one of the weirdest movies ever... So this guy goes around killing woman and trying to make them into perfume.. then he gets caught and right before he is about to get hung everyone smells his perfume and has a huge orgy... riiighhhtttt?

I hate to admit this.. but this was the first time I have read Frankenstein and I have never seen any of the movies. I am a Frankenstein retard hahahaha. The book is a lot different than I thought it would be. I thought it was just about some dude that made a monster named Frankenstein that looked an awful lot like Herman Munster:)... Instead it has all these hidden themes that can be compared with current events. Someone compared Frankenstein to stem cell research on the discussion boards and I think that is an excellent example to what Shelley was trying to say.

Anyways... How did everyone do on their first paper? I am a little nervous because I haven't written an opionion paper since English 1! I can write a research paper like nobody's business though...


1 comment:

  1. I did pretty good on the first paper. Im really getting cocerned about this website. Have you started yours yet?
